8F English Blog Awards! E.B.A

This is your host Gabriel and this is the E.B.A Show! This is going to be a monthly post where I go look through all of 8F work and pick the best pieces of work each month! Tonight I will go and award each student on different categories of work!

OK lets start for best Presentation Award goes to (Drum roll please): Peter! Peter’s interpretation of Shakespeare Intentions is not only so accurately precise he even added colour to his text! Well Done Peter! This is the link to his work: http://theninja.student.edutronic.net/2012/10/10/shakespears-intentions/

OK lets now got to the next award is for the best Timeline Award goes to: Moniem! Hurray for you Moniem. His timeline is a excellent example of how all our timelines should be done! This is the link to his work: http://dreevil.student.edutronic.net/2012/10/04/romeo-and-juilet-timeline/

Thank you for listening and I hope you have enjoyed the E.B.A Show!!






13 responses to “8F English Blog Awards! E.B.A”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    I can’t tell you how brilliant I think this is! I think you deserve an innovation award for this awards show. Maybe next time you could record it as a video?

    1. Gabriel Avatar

      I know sir! To improve the idea even further we could actually have actual awards! I think it will get a whole more people blogging more often if there is a prize! What do you think sir???

  2. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    I agree. Let’s do it. I’m happy to fund a prize.

    1. Gabriel Avatar

      So what do you think about someone judging for the E.B.A awards! Should we have the same people judging each month or swapping the judges each month!? Finally what are your ideas for the prize because I hope to be winning this award monthly!

  3. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    I think it could be a vote.. That can be done online really easily. And what would a good prize be?

  4. Gabriel Avatar

    Maybe money, vouchers, etc I will have to think about this thoroughly sir!

  5. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    Let’s put it to the class.

  6. Gabriel Avatar

    OK! Can’t Wait to know what happens now?

  7. dreevil Avatar

    Thanks a lot Gabriel

  8. dreevil Avatar


  9. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    Oh, by the way, Gabriel, remind me to show you how to make your hyperlinks live. I did it for you on this post.

  10. grubby Avatar

    good idea gabriel

  11. Gabriel Avatar

    Thanks everyone for all your support!!!
