Lady Macbeth Wants To Be King?

‘That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,’

At first when reading this soliloquy from Lady Macbeth, many thoughts come to mind. Does she want to change gender or does she want to be become something more than mortal? Well you must read on through the soliloquy to understand Lady Macbeth’s true desires.

‘And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full’ ‘Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood;’
Many of you will be going ‘ohh’ and ‘ahh’ and ‘I understand now!’ However for those who are going ‘WHAT??!! I don’t have a clue.’ Lady Macbeth wants to swap places with her husband, Macbeth, and use his gender to become king.  I know this because she says ‘And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full’ which bascially means, make me become king. Anyone with any knowledge of Lady Macbeth’s character will understand that she has no belief in Macbeth’s ambition to become king. Lady Macbeth’s character seems more commanding than Macbeth and is Macbeth’s ‘second brain’, telling and making decisions for him. Finally in the soliloquy Lady Macbeth is trying to speak to the spirits, if there are any spirits, in the soliloquy….






2 responses to “Lady Macbeth Wants To Be King?”

  1. jnorth Avatar


    This is some of your best analysis. You explore your selected quotations well in relation to your understanding of character

    – be strict with your ellipses – you need only three dots…
    – How can you refine your tone? This is a fine balance where you must rework your sentence structures so that you are exploring the alternative interpretations of the audience, but not embedding this in your work through assumed speech.

    See me and we can discuss ways to develop a consistent and critical tone for you.


    Mr North

  2. hdrewett Avatar

    Hi Gabriel, although Mr North is definitely keen to see all the work, I will be deciding when students present their work in the lessons for the next few weeks. So best ask nicely…! Don’t worry, we want to see considered and thought out presentations, speak to Mr North or myself about why you haven’t had enough time to do justice to your speech and you can present when you are ready.
    Miss Drewett.
