Month: March 2014
Lady Macbeth Wants To Be King?
‘That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,’ At first when reading this soliloquy from Lady Macbeth, many thoughts come to mind. Does she want to change gender or does she want to be become something more than mortal? Well you must read on through the soliloquy to understand Lady Macbeth’s true desires. ‘And fill…
Letter to Lady Macbeth
Dear wife, These supernatural beings approached me after I returned from my triumphant battle. They told me many good reports about my future, then they turned into air and vanished. I do not have a single ounce in trust in these beings,. My wife, I wanted to question them further on their ‘prophecies’. Just like…
Life Of Pi Film Review
Logline Through a terrible tragedy, Pi is separated from his family through a journey to Canada,becomes shipwrecked, and his only companion is Richard Parker, the tiger fighting for survival and searching for the right religion. Review The adventure starts in Pondicherry, India where Piscine Patel changes his name to Pi so he can avoid being…