Month: September 2013

  • Animal Farm Homework 2

    Question: Does Animal Farm have an implied reader? Select at least three quotations from text to show. I think that Animal Farm does have an implied reader and I think the implied reader was people living in the Russian Communism. I think George Orwell indirectly attacked the Russians through Animal Farm. George Orwell (author of…

  • Animal Farm Homework 1

    Task: Turn a part of your novel or Animal Farm into a comic/script/poem. This poem is from chapter 1 of Animal Farm, where old Major is giving a speech about rebelling against the humans. Poem: Rebellion against Humans! ‘Fellow comrades we must come together Unless you want the human race to rule forever Is our…

  • Welcome Back

    Hello and welcome back to my student blog. I hope you had a good summer. Sorry for having such a big break from all my writing, but now I’m back, and ready to please my readers with my creative and informative text! My first blog will be about the book Animal Farm by George Orwell!…