Month: May 2013

  • Bye, Bye Mr Worsley

    This is just a little good bye. You have made lesson very fun and very entertaining while teaching us a lot. I hope you make a brilliant teacher because I know you will.

  • The Untold Six Years, Told!

    From Chapter 8 to 9 the book’ The Chrysalids’ passed six whole years without explaining what happened in the six years. Now I, Gabriel, will inform you on all the exciting events. So lets begin, the love of David and Rosalind. David and Rosalind David and Rosalind have been good friends for many years because…

  • The Untold Six Years- The Plan

    The Storyline – How David and Rosalind fell in love – How Petra coped in her first six years of life – How religion progressed in the six years Type of writing style – John Wyndham style Any other information – Keep in the mind of the characters