Month: February 2013

  • I’m Gabriel

    I’m Gabriel Odenore and today I will explain my successful acting career. My acting career all started when I was 9 and a teacher picked on me. I had many different hidden talents. She auditioned me and she was shocked that I had a singing voice. The play was Oliver Twist and I was the…

  • Nigeria finally win World Cup!- Print Journalism Practice

    Reporter: Nigerian Gabriel Odenore Nigeria won the World Cup! 7:30pm June 10 2012 marked history for Nigeria as they beat defending champions Spain! Nigeria made history, the first African team to make the semi-final, final and win the World Cup! Breaking 3 records, breaks the record for breaking the most records in a World Cup!…

  • Romeo and Juliet – Assessment Results

    Over-All grade: 7C Play Script: 7C – Strong interpretation, demonstrating both clear understanding of original script and creative use of contemporary slang. Timeline: 6A – Excellent attention to detail, initiative and additional information. Presentation to class: 6A – Confident and well-prepared presentation demonstrating very strong fluency with subject material Essay: Reading Grade: 7A – Very…