Act 1: Scene 1 New Slang School

Hello guys, this is going to be another new feature of my blog inspired by the interpretations we did in class! I will skip the chorus as I already have done it. I will be always updating this weekly! I hope you enjoy!                                                                                                                                                                  Act 1 Scene 1 Surrey Quays

Sampson: Gregory, don’t let the dead ting Montagues insult us!                                   Gregory: Then we will be flipping bin men! (laughs)                                                        Sampson: When we are angry, we will smash the Montagues faces. (punching air)                                                                                                                                           Gregory: While you are alive, take your neck out of the hangman rope.                                                                                                                                        Sampson: When angered, I will throw punches quickly! (ducking and punching) Gregory: Your don’t get angry too  quickly!                                                                           Sampson: Only looking at the ‘wastemen’ Montagues  make me angry ‘Fam’.           Gregory: Getting angry is the same as starting a fight, to be brave is to stand. If your angry you running away.                                                                                                     Sampson: I shall get close to the wall, to avoid the F.O.B’s they call Montagues!   Gregory: Your weak like a midget, only the weak go to the wall!                                   Sampson: I will ‘bang up’ the Montagues and get a bit physical with the Montagues girls! You know what I am saying? (laughs)                                                    Gregory: Yeah!? (looks not amused)   The fight is between our bosses and us men                                                                                                                                         Sampson: It’s all good! If I fight their men, I will shoot the heads of the women! (My Interpretation of guns used in the movie)                                                                     Gregory: Whoa, Sampson do you need a blackman to punch your head!? Shoot the women heads?!? (looks through Sampson ear to see if their is any brain)                                                                                                                                           Sampson: Get off me! Yes their heads! (Gregory starts to think)                                 Gregory: Oh Ok (nods head)






5 responses to “Act 1: Scene 1 New Slang School”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    Sorry this is so brief – responding from my phone – but I had to comment on this, Gabriel, because its genuinely funny, and a very aware interpretation of the original scene. As soon as I saw it was set in Surrey Quays I knew it was going to be great!

    Nice work.

    Mr Waugh

  2. Gabriel Avatar

    Thank you for commenting sir! Maybe, just maybe another class task could act out this script! This has took a lot of time and I hope to progress this piece of work!

  3. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    That sounds like a great idea. It is part of the final project to do this – but you’re already well ahead of the game!

  4. Gabriel Avatar

    WOW! Ahead of the game, really sir! Can you please explain in more depth!

  5. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    I’ll explain in class next time I see you!
