Romeo and Juliet – Some Consequence Yet Hanging in the Stars

This is really, really late but I have thought about this very thoroughly!

So this passage by Romeo, is about Romeo doubts about going to the Capulet Party! Before I breakdown bit by bit of this passage, I think that this is one of the most powerful parts of the book.

The first line ‘I fear, too early: for my mind misgives’ means that my mind (Romeo’s mind) warns him if Romeo go to the party before his time something bad is going to happen. The second line ‘Some consequence yet hanging in the stars’ means that some consequence is hiding in the stars so that he does not go! The third line ‘Shall bitterly begin his fearful date’ means that his death date shall begin to come close if he goes to the party. The fourth line ‘With this night’s revels and expire the term’ means that when the night comes (when he is at the party) and his life will expire. The fourth line ‘Of a despised life closed in my breast’ means that he hides his bad life to himself (his breast) where no one will find it. The firth line ‘By some vile forfeit of untimely death.’ (this is a hard one) means that if he goes to the party that is the forfeit of his life and he will die before his time! The sixth line ‘But He, that hath the steerage of my course,’ is very powerful and I will explain about this later! The line means that God (He) will control Romeo’s bumpy life! Finally the last line of this passage ‘Direct my sail! On, lusty gentlemen.’ means that Romeo’s wants God to control his life (sail) and called him ‘strong, controlling’ gentleman!

I was talking about how powerful this was because the book tells you about what is going to happen but this adds to it because Romeo said that something bad will happen! Also that the last two lines talk about God and in that in Shakespeare time everyone was Christian but Romeo killed himself that was a sin at that time. I will leave you with that point!






2 responses to “Romeo and Juliet – Some Consequence Yet Hanging in the Stars”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    Your enthusiasm for this play is coming through in your writing very strongly. I find it compelling to read your work for this reason.

    The analysis above provides a detailed examination of these lines of Romeo’s and demonstrates that you have a nuanced understanding of what is being communicated to the audience by Shakespeare. Your acknowledgement of the religion of the time adds to this further, as understanding the historical context of the play only strengthens our capacity to decode its deeper meanings.

    In respect of that, the last thing you can do here is address the language Shakespeare uses to communicate his ideas. When he speaks of “the stars” or “steerage of my course” he is using metaphors. These can be ‘unpacked’ (explained) in detail – do you think you can do this without further advice, or would you like an example to work with?


  2. gabriel Avatar

    Thank you for replying back so quickly! I would like one example to work with as this will improve my interpretation writing!
